Teachers’ Council of King Tomislav Elementary School in the renovated Pejačević Castle

  • February 23, 2024

Teachers of King Tomislav Elementary School in Našice held a Teachers’ Council on February 21, 2024, but at an unusual location for such events. Namely, at the suggestion of the school pedagogue Ivana Šteković, and with the understanding and cooperation of the school’s director, Vlatka Zahirović, and the director of the Local Historical Museum in Našice, Silvija Lučevnjak, the attic lecture hall of the museum was provided for the council.

Following an exceptionally interesting walk through the castle, the official part ensued. A lecture on the topic of Dora Pejačević was delivered by history teacher Sandra Hvizdak, an excellent advisor.

After that, Matea Bošnjaković, a physics and computer science teacher, gave an engaging presentation about CERN, detailing her journey and stay during education at the international center for nuclear research.

(Photo credit: TV Našice)